7 fun facts to help you get to know me

Hello there, new friend!

Welcome to my new and improved website and blog. 

I used the Customizr WordPress theme and the Nimble Page Builder WordPress plugin to help me build this website in the same amount of time it would probably take you to wash, dry, fold and put away your laundry while bingeing on your favorite TV show. I also used Canva to create a working logo (an homage to my favorite singer) and add a dark overlay to my front page image so the text “popped” and didn’t bleed into the background photo. These are the same tools I used to build my hypnotherapy website over at Hypnodipity.com.

The best part about my favorite WordPress pairing is that I didn’t need any fancy tech or design skills to make it happen. With the plethora of user-friendly tools and resources now available to people who want to build their own websites, there are there are only a few critical skills you really need before bringing in a qualified expert to help take your website marketing efforts to the next level (think search engine optimization and paid advertising). If you know how to conduct Google searches, read and follow directions, click buttons and links, and copy/paste text, then you’re already ahead of the game.

[Sidebar] If you want to learn how to build and launch your own website in a single day, get in touch with me to schedule a strategy session. If you have no desire to build your own website and you want someone to do it for you, get in touch with me anyways because I have the perfect referrals for you to explore. [End Sidebar]

Now that I have a new website up and running, I’d like to take this first blog post as an opportunity to help you get to know me. If you want the boring facts about me, feel free to hop over to my about page. But if you want the fun facts, keep on reading to learn more.

7 fun facts about me

  1. Blogging about dating and relationships was how I got started, which led me to a decade-long career in marketing before transitioning into mental wellness.
  2. Singing, writing, and learning to play the guitar are some of my favorite ways to cope with big feelings when life gets tough.
  3. Guilty pleasures of mine include way too many trips to Starbucks, post-apocalyptic TV shows, and anything with vampires and zombies.
  4. Relational dynamics, marketing, and personal development are three of my favorite topics to study and completely geek out on.
  5. I wrote and published an autobiographical self-help book to help people become more self-motivated. You can find it on sale at Amazon.
  6. 10% of my work week is dedicated to volunteering in some way, shape or form within my local community for organizations that promote personal empowerment and cultural understanding.
  7. Libra sun with Sagittarius moon and Virgo rising, in case you’re into that sort of thing.

I believe everyone deserves to live, work and play on their own terms. If those terms include freedom, flexibility and mobility, then we are going to get along swell!

What is your favorite fun fact to share about yourself?

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