Multiple Pots

I often wonder how my favorite writers, coaches, therapists and entrepreneurs can be so prolific. Where do they find the time? How do they keep their head on straight?

Many people throughout my life have described me as someone with hands in many different pots. How do I keep up with myself when they can’t even keep up with me, they wonder.

The truth is I don’t keep up with myself at all. That doesn’t necessarily mean I get rid of some of my proverbial pots. If anything, I’d describe myself more as a queen of procrastination. I know myself well enough to know that if procrastination is inevitable, then I can set up my procrastination habits to involve productive tasks on another project.

I read in an email newsletter about a therapist who exposed her dirty little secret which I have found to be true for myself. Some months she doesn’t have time to produce content because of her teaching schedule. Other months, she prioritizes personal roles. She reminded readers that we don’t have to buy into hustle culture, which is based on the notion that the harder your work, the more success you’ll achieve.

I really appreciated how she shared three habits that get her through writer’s block:

1. Research and write about a topic I know well, enjoy talking about and would want to be known for (and to who in my audience); only share info relevant to my topic and audience

2. Keep a list of ideas for go-to sources of inspiration

3. Collab with others in your niche via HARO by offering free content for their audience related to your niche.


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